Sunday, January 15, 2017

Christmas Vacation

Hi Friends and families, having Christmas vacation is the most best vacation of being a child. We never  planned about having a vacation but we had a lot of memorable things happened. Christmas is a time where we have time with our family and relatives,i know you also had fun family vacation. We enjoyed preparing food for Christmas me and my siblings we prepared desserts,and my parents prepare the food.I prepared MANGO FLOAT which is my favorite desserts, i love mango float that is full of milk and grahams, It's PERFECT!

After the Christmas eve December 26,2016, we go to church together with my family, I think the best part of the night is when we prayed together and thank God for every Blessings we receive, especially for the favor God has shower upon the life of my Father,and also I greeted my friends,relatives in Facebook,and i think that was the most tired part of the night, i think almost 20+ person I've greeted , i have fun to that,even if i think Im crazy.   

In Christmas I hope you didn't forgot the true meaning of Christmas, always remember we celebrated the birth of our savior which is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Merry Christmas! lovelots